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ep. 57: Recording silent film scores for Tom Mix and Rin Tin Tin

In this episode: Ben and Kerr discyss about Ben’s process for creating and recording silent film scores for home-video releases, and how it differs from scoring a silent in performance. Ben talks about composing by using the start-stop possibilities of recording in place of traditional notation, as well as using underscoring to help audiences register certain kinds of transitions or to grasp subtleties in the mood or intent of certain kinds of scenes. Recording examples includes segments from Tom Mix in “The Best Bad Man”, recently restored by the Museum of Modern Art,; Tom Mix in “Sky High”; newly restored by Undercrank Productions; and “Clash of the Wolves” starring Rin Tin Tin, newly restored by Kino Lorber, aired on TCM and also presented at the TCM Classic Film Festival.

Show notes for episode 57 can be found here.

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